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About Us

Community Housing Concepts, Inc. (CHC) is a Denver-based non-profit organization dedicated to increasing affordable housing opportunities across the country for low-income individuals, families and seniors. The
organization strives to create caring communities to strengthen the lives of residents so that they can thrive.


  • to increase the quantity and quality of housing opportunities available to very low, low and moderate-income families and individuals, including the elderly and the disabled, by creating, acquiring, rehabilitating and preserving affordable housing units,
  • to assist families and individuals with limited financial resources by providing a decent, safe and secure living environment that respects the dignity of the residents and fosters a sense of community, and
  • to promote neighborhood stabilization and revitalization efforts by improving the quality and availability of housing alternatives for people with limited means thereby creating attractive, productive neighborhoods that instill a sense of pride in the people who live there.


CHC is governed by a Board of Directors. Board members oversee and make all decisions, and formulate strategic goals, as well as oversee the health of the organization.
